Exposed Negative Podcast – #008 – Relocating & Reality TV w/ photographer Justin Mott

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In this weeks episode, we talk to Justin Mott an American Photographer who has been based out in Vietnam for over a decade. You can find him on Instagram here ( and see both his personal and commercial photography ventures here (

We discuss the topics of

– Knowing when to bring other people on ventures.
– Balancing personal and commercial work.
– Personal projects and specifically Justin current personal project, how it came about and how it makes it all happen
– The ‘Photo Face-Off’ reality show on the History Channel that Justin took part in for a number of seasons – and what that taught him.
– The importance of being able to talk to others about your work and get opinions on your images – how Justin uses Instagram to get real feedback on his work.

In the piece, Tom mentions Photomeet ( in London and the workshops Justin mentions are the Eddie Adams workshop ( and Gary Knight’s workshop (

In the intro, we also have a bit of desk chat (see Tom Barnes previous desk escapades here – His current desk is made by a company called Platform

We also talk about Tom’s use of a Stream Deck ( and Keyboard Maestro (, along with the Pomodoro Technique (

To finish off we have Justin’s desert island camera which happens to be the Leica M10-D, and his chosen photobook is Genesis by Sebastiao Salgado.