07 Jul Exposed Negative Podcast – #045 – Social Media & the future w/ Foto App founder Michael Howard
On todays show we talk to Michael Howard about social media, it’s advantages and pitfalls, we talk to Michael about his plans for the future with his new app, Foto.
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Thank you for your support! Below the video are the show notes.
Here are the shownotes;
Musea – Fine Art Print Lab (USA): https://www.musealab.com/
The Foto App (twitter): https://twitter.com/thefotoapp
The Foto App website: https://fotoapp.co/
VSCO: https://www.vsco.co/
radiolab documentary content moderation: https://radiolab.org/podcast/post-no-evil
Myspace Tom: https://www.instagram.com/myspacetom/?hl=en
Hasselblad Xpan: https://www.hasselblad.com/about/history/xpan/
Larry Towel: World from my front Porch (photobook) https://amzn.to/44jXTf0
Desert Island Camera
Hasselblad 500C with 80mm lens
Desert Island Book
Emmet Gowin (Aputure): https://aperture.org/books/emmet-gowin-2/